Traveling Patients

We assist patients all around the world. Our staff is available to assist you on the aesthetic procedure best suited for your needs with an initial online consultation, and with all your travel arrangements!

Please complete the contact form below indicating the procedure(s) you are interested in. You need to download our New Patient Forms, print them, fill them out, and attach them to the form submission. We also require digital photographs of the surgical area(s) that need to be attached below. The photos should include a front view, right side view, and left side view. Payment per consultation (R1350) and proof of payment will need to be sent prior to Zoom consult.

    Procedure(s) requested:


    Breast AugmentationBreast LiftBreast ReductionBreast Reconstruction


    FaceliftBlepharoplastyBrow LiftRhinoplastyOtoplasty

    Non Surgical

    Botox/DysportVolumizing FillersChemical PeelsScar Management


    Minor ProceduresFat TransfersTrauma & Burn SurgeryScar & Tattoo Removal


    Body Contouring 4D Vaser LiposuctionAbdomenExcess Skin RemovalMommy MakeoverMale Surgery

    Get in Touch

    Our Address
    Suite B22, Life Fourways Hospital,
    Cnr Cedar Road & Cedar Avenue West,

    Phone Number
    +27 11 875 1694

    Email address