Online Consultation & Photo Review Form


Steps to your Transformation Journey:

  1. Pre-consultation
  2. Receive Dr Deon’s personalised feedback & quote
  3. Bookings for your pre-op in-person consultation and procedure date
  4. Procedure

This enables us to send you Dr’s feedback personalised to your procedure, to get a quote and to explain the procedure in detail to you.

Welcome to our pre-consultation process.

The process entails where you complete our cosmetic consultation form, upload your photos and make a secure payment of R1200 via our PayFast link (there will not be an additional fee when you come for your in-person consultation).

* The R1200.00 consultation fee is non refundable and no additional fee will be charged for your in-person consultation.

Once the information is received, Dr Deon will review your file and advise on a surgery plan suited to your specific needs. A quotation will then be supplied based on the pre-consultation. Please note that this quotation is changeable and that prices may change once you have consulted with Dr Deon in-person.

Unique & secure