The Body Contouring blog series: More about Liposuction
Liposuction The mornings may be chilly but I’m already getting excited about the thought of a sunny Summer just on the horizon. We all want to feel our beach body best after a sluggish Winter so this week we continue our body contouring blog series. So far we’ve already considered the Mommy Makeover procedure and the innovative Vaser Lipo technology. As more people commit themselves to a healthy lifestyle and seek ways to reach their ideal, Liposuction presents an often excellent and cost-effective path to achieving these goals. Better understanding of this popular procedure can help you get [...]
More about Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction Surgery Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes – much like the women who have them. Body positivity aside, embracing what you have naturally isn't always easy. Whether it's feeling insecure about their breast shape, not liking the way their clothes fit, or breasts getting in the way of daily activities, chances are good that there is at least one aspect some women don't like about what nature has given them. Knowing what kind of procedure is needed for a specific situation can be the tricky part. In our breast blog series so [...]
Non-Surgical Treatments: All you need to know about Chemical Peels
All you need to know about Chemical Peels This week we continue our blog series on achieving beautiful glowing skin. As we’re mid-Winter in the Southern Hemisphere it’s the perfect time to consider treatments that tackle those fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation concerns. Chemical peels are used to remove damaged skin cells, revealing healthier skin underneath. Think of it as a more intense facial. An absolute must to include in your beauty regime as a regular treatment if you want compliments about your gorgeous skin! Fast facts: There are different types of peels: light (superficial), medium, [...]
What you need to know about scarring
Before After Glowing flawless skin is the epitome of what we think of as representing great health and beauty. Skin is a seamless organ. Imagine it like a piece of fine silk, just one small tear can make a big difference in how it looks, and how it affects our confidence. If you’ve already got scarring, or are concerned about how you will scar after a planned cosmetic procedure then here is some reassurance for you; while a scar will never completely go away, there are methods that can help reduce the obvious appearance of scars. [...]
All about the Vaser Lipo™ technology
Vaser Lipo™ technology Despite the most dedicated exercise and diet regime, many of us still have those stubborn persistent problem body areas. Body contouring refers to the use of liposuction techniques to sculpt and shape the fat deposits of the abdomen, back, lower body, and arms. At DW Skin & Body we offer the innovative technology of the Vaser Lipo™ procedure which combines ultrasound with conventional liposuction to “melt” fatty deposits before extracting them. What is Vaser Lipo™? Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a specialized ultrasound technology used to break down [...]
Cosmetic Enhancement Procedures For Men
Cosmetic Procedures For Men This week we share more about the Cosmetic Enhancement Procedures that are available for men. It is usually women who feel more comfortable talking about the cosmetic enhancement procedures that they are considering or have undertaken to rejuvenate their appearance and boost their self esteem. But more men than ever before are choosing to have non-surgical and/or surgical procedures to help them regain self-confidence and maintain a youthful and energetic appearance. HERE ARE THE TOP COSMETIC PROCEDURES FOR MEN 1. Body Most men undertake an exercise regime to trim their waistline [...]
Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift
Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift More women than ever before are opting for a breast enhancement procedure and if this is something you’re also considering then the best surgical option for you will ultimately depend on the results you’re hoping to achieve. Two of the most popular procedures are breast augmentation and breast lift, but how do they differ and how do you know if it’s suitable for you? Breast augmentation: What you need to know Breast augmentation is primarily for women who hope to increase the overall size of their breasts. The procedure is also beneficial to patients who want [...]
More about B Lite Silicone Implants
The DW Skin & Body series hosted by Dr. Deon Weyers - A plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Fourways, Johannesburg. This week, Dr. Deon Weyers chats more about the B Lite Silicon Implants. "Developed to overcome the limitations of traditional breast implants by considerably reducing gravitational stress, B-Lite® applies groundbreaking technology, combining well known and clinically proven materials in an innovative way to provide natural fullness, feel and strength with a significantly lighter implant weight. B-Lite® implants are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, to accommodate the wide variety of patient needs and preferences," (Polytech Health Aesthetics). Click [...]
The “Mommy Makeover” procedure
Mommy Makeover All About the “Mommy Makeover” procedure DW Skin and Body offers a wide range of services and we want to share a bit more about each to try and answer as many of the frequently asked questions as possible. While pregnancy and childbirth are momentous moments in any woman’s life, many women are less than thrilled with their post-baby body. The body stores fat differently during pregnancy to provide vital energy to mother and baby. The breasts may sag and appear deflated after breastfeeding, and the abdominal wall may not return to its original firmness. What [...]
“MASKNE” – Tips on how to avoid it!
Maskne - Tips on how to stop it! I recently came across an article from CBS New York about the new skin irritation that has been brought about due to the changes in society thanks to Covid-19. The constant need to wear a mask has resulted in what is know as “Mask Acne” or rather, “Maskne”. As more of us are heading back to work and required to wear our mask for longer periods now as level 3 begins, these tips should assist with avoiding the irritation. “There are two main types of maskne, an allergic reaction causing a [...]
Meet Dr. Deon Weyers! The first video in the DW Skin & Body video series
Meet Dr. Deon Weyers - A plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Fourways, Johannesburg. He currently runs his own practice, DW Skin & Body, and offers a series of surgical treatments for your face, breast and body. His reconstructive services cover procedures such as fat transfer, & burns & trauma. His non-surgical services include botox dysport, chemical peels, volumizing fillers and scar management. This video the first in the DW Skin & Body video series where viewers can get to know more about the world of plastic surgery and the many procedures that can be done. Be sure to subscribe to the official [...]
Dr Deon Weyers – Consultations during Covid19 social distancing.
We welcome you to Dr Deon's practice! The team at DW Skin & Body is delighted to be able to welcome you to our practice. We're open during Level 4 - Level 1 for all consults. Please take note of the following: 1. For your convenience our practice is based at Life Hospital, Fourways, Johannesburg. 2. You will be required to be scanned for Covid19 upon arrival at the entrance to the hospital. 3. Please make sure you are wearing a face-mask as per government regulations. 4. Please reschedule your appointment if you have a fever or [...]
How do I protect my skin during the Winter sun?
Protecting my skin during Winter sun. How do i protect my skin during the winter sun? The Highveld winter has set in early this year. During your limited 6am - 9am walk or morning run, you may have seen the trees losing their leaves or turning red accompanied by a biting chill before sunrise. Skincare is as important during the cold winters as it is during blistering hot summers. Insufficient skincare can leave your skin irritated and dry. Easy measures you can implement right away include: Apply a great moisturiser morning and night Apply sunblock when you head [...]