Vaser Lipo™ technology

Vaser Lipo™ technology

Despite the most dedicated exercise and diet regime, many of us still have those stubborn persistent problem body areas. Body contouring refers to the use of liposuction techniques to sculpt and shape the fat deposits of the abdomen, back, lower body, and arms. At DW Skin & Body we offer the innovative technology of the Vaser Lipo™ procedure which combines ultrasound with conventional liposuction to “melt” fatty deposits before extracting them.

What is Vaser Lipo™?
Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a specialized ultrasound technology used to break down fat cells by sending out ultrasonic frequency waves. Once the fat cells have been broken down, the cosmetic surgeon is able to remove excess fat through a suction process (the liposuction part of the procedure).

How does Vaser liposuction compare with traditional liposuction procedures?
One of the major benefits of Vaser liposuction compared to traditional liposuction methods is the minimal amount of damage to surrounding tissues. Vaser liposuction uses a smaller incision and sound waves to liquefy the fat before it is removed from the body. Liquefying the fat has the potential to increase the accuracy of the procedure and make the fat easier to remove. In addition to that, it could also minimize the damage inflicted upon surrounding tissues.

Fat cells removed during a Vaser liposuction are specifically targeted which allows the surgeon to provide the patient with a smoother and a more sculpted end result. During the procedure, the surgeon is able to highlight and define certain muscles, which gives the patient a more noticeable result. The procedure can also tighten the skin and target cellulite since a combination of ultrasound and laser techniques can be implemented during the procedure.

Is Vaser Lipo™ the right option for you?
Vaser Liposuction is recommended for patients who have small areas of fat that they are struggling to lose despite the patient’s best efforts at dieting and exercise. Vaser can be carried out on almost all areas of the body including the neck, upper arms, tummy, thighs, and even your knees. Liposuction works best for patients no more than 10 to 15 kg’s over their goal weight.

Ultimately though your individual desired results dictate the combination of procedures that are most appropriate for you, and a consultation with a board-certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon gives you the opportunity to discuss in detail the range of options available to you. This procedure is also used in our Mommy Makeover in Johannesburg.

If you have further questions about this procedure, email us at